Wednesday, May 1, 2024

By David Ponce You can't say "The Holidays are upon us!" often enough. That means you'll be raking your noodle for gift ideas, and yes, we'll be happy to make a few suggestions. For those in your life...
By David Ponce I know I got me some iPod haters out there. Sorry guys, just skip this post. The i-Deck is a fine looking speaker system that features a little dock for your iPod. What's particularly nice about...
By David Ponce So an iPod Shuffle's all fine and dandy, but you can't use it with a bunch of iPod accessories that require the iPod or iPod Mini's bigger connection. Things like "battery packs, mobile power cords, iPod...

By David Ponce Well, Olympus' M:Robe 100 is a very sexy MP3 player. If you've ever held one, you'll know what I mean. The black and red is just designalicious. It holds 5Gb, plays yer music, stays...
It seems like Creative is banking on colorful customisability to one-up the other music players in its category, what with ten colors to chose from. Cashing in on that marketing strategy, company Vaja has started production on a...