Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Oh Apple, Apple!... What are you going to make us do next? You jettison the display on one of your products, and what happens next? Everyone drops them. Well, at least two that I know...
So you want to have a little nap in your backyard. What's more, you want a nice pillow. And uh, while you're at it, some music to drown out those pesky birds, right? Well, you're in...

By David Ponce It's not the first time we talk about a product from Sonic Impact. Last time it was the T-Amp, a $30 amp that allegedly did the same job as models 100 times that price. Now, we...
Do you have an anger problem and throw things (sometimes digital players) and later regret when you see your precious MP3 Player with the inside pieces on the outside? No need to fret because we have the perfect...
Natural sound amplifiers for iPhone are a dime a dozen, each with different style and audio performance. To offer audiophiles an intimate listening experience from an esthetically appealing horn passive speaker, Chino has launched the Legato iPhone dock. A...
By Michelle Cheung Some of you might have something engraved on the back of your iPod, but it's a shame Apple doesn't offer the same service to their iPod Shuffle. See, because customization can be fun. Here we have the "iPod...
Without the tangled wires, this Photive True Wireless Earbud Headphones you'll totally focus on your routine and beat your personal best. They're small, comfortable, and powerful with HD quality sound. They run for 10 hours on a single charge. If...

A while back we posted on a somewhat phallic looking, dedicated speaker tower for your iPod. It was very pretty and everything, but it wasn't made for the Shuffle. Well, the people at Ignitek have fixed that...
By David Ponce Holy jumping Jehosphat! This headset rocks! Do away with the cords, and the radio signals altogether by getting the $50 mTUNE-N cordless stereo headset, specifically designed for the iPod nano. Simply insert the player...
Token iPod item here. Cool one though. If you own a Shuffle and are tired of wearing the thing around your neck, DLO has an ingenious solution for you. This $20 accessory attaches to the USB...