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Possibly The Geekiest Way To Have A Beer

Jonathan Kimak Avatar

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By Jonathan Kimak

We’ve seen beer gadgets before. But beer cannons that can shoot a beer into your hand from across the room will look like the stuff of amateurs when compared to this. A beer pouring machine made of Lego blocks. And what’s more is that the device is controlled by an iPhone. A message is sent to the iPhone and the machine pours you a brew.

There are already robot bartenders that can do the job faster and pour a nicer beer, but this device appeals to the geek-heart within me. And if we’re lucky maybe a DIY set of instructions will come out so that others can have a geek-brew.

See the video of the LEGO beer pouring gadget after the jump.

VIA [ Crunch Gear ]

Jonathan Kimak Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. conedude13 Avatar

    so you would send the signal to pour during breakfast and then the head would be gone by the time you get home from work around dinner time!! 😛

  2. ComedyNetworks Avatar

    there is place you could not see beer