Potty Monkey Teaches You How To Use The Toilet Or Just Soil Yourself, Whichever’s Easier

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Potty Monkey (Images courtesy Stupid.com)
By Andrew Liszewski

For some reason I find all books and toys designed to teach kids about potty training hilarious. And that definitely includes the Potty Monkey. It’s a 15-inch tall stuffed monkey that comes complete with a pair of diapers, a pair of underwear and of course, a toilet. An electronic timer buried somewhere in his body can be set at intervals of 30 or 90 minutes, and when the clock runs out, the monkey will tell you he needs to go potty. When you place him on his toilet he’ll say various things about how much better he feels, and will even go as far as to sing a Weird Al-like version of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’, except his version is about bowel movements. But what happens if you ignore his pleas?

But let’s back up and suppose you DON’T put him on the potty when he asks. The longer you ignore him, the more he pleads. “I really need to go potty! Let’s go potty!!” And if you are callous enough to ignore him again, he says, “Hey, take me to the potty now or I’ll have an accident!” And if you wait much longer, “Oh no! I had an accident! Please take me to the potty next time.”

So there you go. Normally I would find a stuffed monkey that needs to go to the bathroom every half-hour unappealing. But he kind of reminds me of the short-lived Domino’s Pizza mascot Bad Andy who disappeared well before his time. We all miss you Andy…

You can find the Potty Monkey at Stupid.com for $29.99.

[ Potty Monkey ] VIA [ Nerd Approved ]

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