You may think that sticky notes that say “F**k this” and “Don’t F**k this up” are just novelty items meant to sell by sheer shock value (although, let’s be honest, the “f word” doesn’t exactly have the shock value it once might’ve had). But if you really believe that, you’d be missing an essential point: a swear word’s ability to catch your attention. If you’re annotating documents where it’s essential to get someone to do something and notice your instructions, you may as well give these “Get The Hint – Loud and Clear” stickers a shot. They’re all of $5, and come in a 2-pack with the following captions: “f**k this”, “f**k that”, “this is f**king urgent”, “don’t f**k this up”, and “f**k yeah”.
[ Product Page ] VIA [ ThisIsWhyImBroke ]