Pumped for the Olympics? So is This Big Red Bus That Does Push-ups!

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Tyler Lacoma Avatar


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Double Decker Push Up Bus

The 2012 London Olympics kicks off today, and excitement for the games has already reached a fever pitch. People are painting their faces with their country’s flags, themed apparel are flying off the shelves, and banners rooting for their teams are hanging off people’s cars. Heck, even bright-red double deckers are getting in on the action.

See that particular bus in the image? It even grew huge robotic arms, just so it could do push-ups with resounding grunts and groans like the athletes you’ll see once the games begin. (Kidding aside, Czech artist David Cerny actually attached those electrical arms on the bus.)

Dubbed as the London Booster, this bad baby will be displayed outside the Czech Olympic headquarters in London to inspire the Czech athletes to bring home the gold. Go team!

[ Obvious Winner ] VIA [ Metro UK ]

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