Pure Win: Michael Jackson Rocks Your World Again…In LEGO

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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MJ Lego

Michael Jackson rocked my world in my teenage years, and he still does to this day. Controversies set aside, MJ was a compassionate human being and he really touched a lot of people with his music. Even though he no longer moonwalks on this earth like the rest of us, he’s still very much alive in the hearts and minds of his fans, where he will live on and his memory kept alive by his music.

MJ isn’t just known for his beautiful voice; he’s also widely regarded for his jaw-dropping dance moves and suaveness. Highlighting this great talent of his and immortalizing his signature dance moves in LEGO is Berlin-based animator Annette Jung of Talking Animals.

Check it out after the break. It’s nothing short of awesome.

VIA [ This is Colossal ]

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