QuickSmart Backpack Stroller

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QuickSmart Backpack Stroller (Images courtesy Pocket-lint & QuickSmart)
By Andrew Liszewski

As if parents of infants don’t already have enough to carry around, from diaper bags to playmats to whatever, an Australian company called QuickSmart has now created a collapsible stroller that fits into a backpack. The whole package weighs less than 9lbs, so it’s not like strapping on a pack designed for a 3-week wilderness expedition. But it’s good to know that if Sherpas aren’t able to find work on Everest, they can always provide much needed support for new parents.

The stroller itself doesn’t seem to cut too many corners either. It includes a 5-point harness and canopy, padded seat and footrest, a built-in shopping basket and is suitable for wee ones aged 6 months and up. In backpack mode it even has mesh side storage pockets for holding diapers, water or whatever else your little one can’t leave home without. Available from Amazon UK for ~$160 to $194. (£99.99 to £119.99)

[ QuickSmart Backpack Stroller ] VIA [ Pocket-lint ]

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