By Andrew Liszewski
Of all the Star Wars characters I think R2D2 gets the least respect, at least in terms of product tie-ins. But I guess it’s mostly because he’s shaped like a garbage can on wheels, and once you remove all of the electronics inside he can be re-purposed for a wide array of demeaning tasks. This time R2D2 will be the hit of your backyard barbecue while he serves as an ice bucket keeping your refreshments cold. As an added bonus he appears to come with a really cool ‘Han Solo frozen in carbonite’ ice cube mold that can be used to make miniature facsimiles of Harrison Ford in hibernation. They’re probably not going to fool Jabba The Hutt or anyone else Han Solo owes money to, but they’ll definitely make you the king of the Star Wars geeks for at least a night.
At one point the R2D2 ice bucket and Han Solo mold were available for pre-order from for about $33, but the item has since been removed. So if anyone knows where to find one, please post a link in the comments.
[ The Green Head – Han Solo Frozen in Carbonite Ice Cube Tray with R2-D2 Ice Bucket ]