Entex Adventure Vision (Images courtesy bobsbrand)
By Andrew Liszewski

For some reason I’m pretty fascinated with classic ‘portable’ gaming, and even though I’ve never heard of Entex or their Adventure Vision System, I’m sure I could happily waste a few hours playing through its handful of games.

As the story goes, there were only about 10,000 of these tabletop systems ever produced and not only is this one in mint condition in the original box, but it even includes all 4 games in its library. If you’re curious what kind of graphics the Entex Adventure Vision was capable of just check out that gameplay promo shot there. The display only had a resolution of 150×40 pixels, but that’s not too bad for 1982. (Considering the original GameBoy released 7 years later only had 160×144 pixels.) I particularly like the cover artwork on the game boxes, I’d say it’s pretty darn close to what you see on screen.

This particular Entex Adventure Vision System is actually available on eBay right now, but it unfortunately has a ‘Buy It Now’ price of $5,500. Not surprisingly it’s yet to be snapped up by someone.

[ eBay – Entex Adventure Vision System ] VIA [ Joystiq ]