We would like to believe that the above picture is that of a real product. Not because we think there really is a benefit to having a levitating computer mouse, despite claims of it relieving stress that leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. But because, really… a levitating mouse?! The Bat, as it’s called, allegedly floats all by itself at 40mm when not in use, and comes back down to 10mm beneath the weight of your 1000g (~2.2-pound) hand. You use it as you would a regular mouse, and… yeah that’s it. It’s a project by Kibardin Design and it’s supposedly under testing at the moment. We’re not holding our breaths to ever see it on the market.
It reminds us of Art Lebedev’s fabled Optimus Maximus Keyboard, which took the world by storm in early 2005, only to later be pulled, prodded and kicked into a workable product, albeit at a ridiculous price and produced for a very limited time.
Hit the jump for one more pic.
[ Product Page ] VIA [ IO9 ]