By Andrew Liszewski
We all know that Apple, or at least those at the reigns, like to keep things as minimal as possible when it comes to buttons. It makes for a lovely design aesthetic, but can also lead to inconveniences at times. Like with the iPhone’s built-in camera, which requires you to touch the screen to take a photo. Having a physical shutter button would be very useful at times (like when taking self-shots) so the people behind the MoviePeg accessory have now come up with the Red Pop.
In essence it’s a camera grip accessory that can be connected to the bottom of the iPhone making it easier to hold when taking photos, but more importantly, it also adds a physical shutter button. Given how the iPhone camera’s focusing works I unfortunately don’t think they could implement the half-press to focus functionality like with most dedicated cameras, but I can certainly see the advantages to having something like this. Particularly if you’re hooked on camera apps like Hipstamatic or Instagram. If and when it’s available, depending on whether they reach their Kickstarter funding goals, the Red Pop will work with a free accompanying camera app. But its creators hope to add compatibility with existing camera apps too allowing iPhone photography enthusiasts to use it with their app of choice.
[ Kickstarter – Red Pop ] VIA [ Wired Gadget Lab ]