Resin Based iPhone Skin Lets You Stick Your Phone To Things

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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By David Ponce

Mostly, the pictures make it look like you’ll be able to stick your phone to a window and take pictures. Which is kind of cool, we guess. But really if you think about it, when was the last time you wished you could just prop your phone up on a window and have it stay there? Yeah, us neither. But whatever, for $20 you can do just that with the Ugard Resing Skin, an iPhone case covered in a special material that makes it somewhat tacky and adhesive. Supposedly it leaves no residue, although we can imagine that it gathers dust pretty well and that it would make inserting and removing from pocket marginally more difficult. So we’re not altogether sold on the concept, cheap as it is at €15.50 (~$20 USD).

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Technabob ]

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