Revijour True Love Tester Bra: If It Ain’t True Love, It Ain’t Unhooking

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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True Love Tester Bra

Japanese lingerie company Ravijour has come up with a revolutionary albeit unusual piece of lingerie dubbed as the “True Love Tester Bra.” As its name implies, the brassiere comes with built-in sensors that monitors its wearer’s heart rate and vital stats. The sensors also keep track of the secretion of a certain hormone called Catecholamine, which apparently is secreted only when a women is truly in love.

Data on these stats are sent via Bluetooth to a smartphone that’s running the bra’s companion app, which measures heart rate elevation, to determine whether it’s the real deal or just a fling. When it’s deemed to be the former, the app will wirelessly unhook the bra.

It’s definitely an interesting concept, I’ll give it that. But is it practical? I would say no.


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