The Rio Firefly Handcycle Transforms Any Wheelchair Into A Motorized Wheelchair

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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The indignities suffered by being confined to a wheelchair are only compounded by the fact that you’re expected to provide your own locomotive power. The Firefly Electric Handcycle by Rio Mobility is a battery powered wheel that attaches to the front of just about any wheel chair and transforms it into an electric wheelchair. It will get up to 18 km/h (11 mph) for distances of up to 24 km (around 15 mi) between charges. This should be sufficient for regular daily chores that would normally be tedious and exhausting if they had to be done without external assistance. The device is light enough (under 15 kg (33 lb)) that you should be able to just pick it up and throw it in the car. And most importantly, as many mobility devices cost a fortune, the Firefly Electric Handcycle is relatively affordable at $1,950.




[ Product Page ] VIA [ DamnGeeky ]

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