Roastie Toaster Concept Allows For Perfect Toasting – Sadly Only One Slice At A Time Though

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Roastie Toaster Concept (Images courtesy Mateusz G?ówka)
By Andrew Liszewski

They say if you build a better mouse trap the world will beat a path to your door, but I think what humans really need is a better way to make toast! I’ve yet to find a toaster that I can really rely on, so I’m happy to see that design students like Mateusz G?ówka, from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland, have set themselves upon improving its design. And I’m not saying the Roastie has quite hit the nail on the head just yet, but it definitely shows promise.

The most important aspect of the Roastie are the heating elements which are built into arms that rotate around the piece of bread, like a ferris wheel, ensuring even toasting. And since everything is built into a transparent sphere, you can easily monitor your toast for doneness and make sure it doesn’t burn. The sphere has the added bonus of trapping and concentrating the heat from the elements, so it doesn’t escape through an open slot, reducing toasting times and energy use. The kicker though? Unless it can do its thing in mere seconds, who has the patience to make toast one slice at a time? Not this guy!

[ Mateusz G?ówka – Roastie ] VIA [ bookofjoe ]

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