Rockza Space Invaders PVC Bag

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Rockza Space Invaders Bag (Images courtesy dcx design complex)
By Andrew Liszewski

I have no complaints when it comes to the amazing 3D graphics seen in today’s more popular video games but I’m pretty sure in 20 years they just won’t have the same retro appeal as classic Atari or Coleco games do now. I can’t imagine a t-shirt with a scene from Halo or GTA will be as appealing as the simple but easily recognizable graphics of a game like Space Invaders.

In fact looking at this shoulder bag it makes me wonder if the patterns seen on Louis Vuitton bags weren’t inspired by this well organized invasion force that many of us wasted countless hours trying to stop. Either way if I had to choose I’d go with the Space Invaders and the fact that the bag’s made from PVC instead of leather is extra incentive.

Get it from dcx design complex for about $50.

[ Rockza Space Invaders Bag ] VIA [ Shiny Shiny ]

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