By Andrew Liszewski
Designed to accompany your Roland HD-1 V-Drums Lite set (pictured above) the DT-HD1 Drum Tutor software might not be as fun as Rock Band, but it looks like a better learning tool if you have drumming aspirations beyond just getting a new high score.
With the HD-1 drum kit connected to your PC via an included USB-MIDI interface, the Drum Tutor software provides an easy to follow notation screen complete with a bouncing ball, timing check and indicators for what your left and right hands should be doing. And if you’ve found that Rock Band makes practicing for hours on end a little more enjoyable, the Drum Tutor software even has a Tetris clone game where you learn proper drumming techniques while trying to rack up a high score.
The DT-HD1 Drum Tutor software will be available come March for about $75, while the HD-1 V-Drums Lite are available now, and can be found at sites like Amazon for around $800.