Roller Rock Glass Is The Boss Way Of Drinking Whisky

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Key Takeaways

By David Ponce

There’s a right and a wrong way to drink certain drinks, like fine scotch or whisky. At the very least that’s what you’ll hear in some circles. You shouldn’t mix them with Coke, for one; if you’re paying top dollar for this stuff you want to taste the liquor. And you shouldn’t cool them down with tiny ice cubes, because these melt very quickly and they dilute your expensive distillate. The best shape for an ice cube is a perfect sphere, because it exposes the least amount of surface to the liquid. That’s why we think the above Roller Rock Glass makes drinking right much easier. It comes with a mold to make the ball-shaped ice in the first place, but most importantly features a conical protrusion at the bottom so that you may swirl your ice around, cooling and aerating your drink at the same time. Take these out along with the good bottle of Glenfidditch when your boss is visiting, and you’ll be on your way to that promotion in no time. It’s $20.

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