Samsung: Take A Self-Portrait, Not A Selfie

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Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


With a little bit of imagination and creativity, advertising agencies can often take a dull message (“Hey! New point-and-shoot camera!”) and come up with an angle that makes the product stand out. Take the above Van Gogh self-portrait… It’s an ad by the agency Leo Burnett Switzerland for Samsung’s new “NX mini [camera] with a 3-inch flip-up display and interchangeable wide-aperture lens”, and features three iconic self-portraits, re-imagined as if they’d been made by taking a selfie. It thus tries to elevate the banal act of taking a selfie into something more grandiose, implying that this camera will somehow make them more special. Yeah… nice try. A selfie is a selfie and the ad won’t make us want to buy a dedicated point-and-shoot that doesn’t do much more than what our phones can do. But… it’s still a nice try. Gotta give credit where it’s due. So hit the jump for two more of these ads.



VIA [ Geekologie ]

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