San Francisco’s Got Video Game Equipped Bus Shelters – It’s Official, My City Sucks

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Muni Bus Shelter - Now With Gaming! (Image courtesy PSFK)
By Andrew Liszewski

Earlier in the week I was jealous of Minneapolis’ bus stop shelters which were decked out to look and function like real ovens as part of an advertising campaign by Caribou Coffee. And this week I turn my jealousy towards the public transit riders of San Francisco where Yahoo has equipped 20 Muni bus shelters with touch-capable digital video screens capable of playing a handful of simple games like shape puzzles and trivia.

But it’s not just a way to appease impatient riders or subtly hide a few advertisements. The displays are all networked together allowing you to compete against other riders, and when playing you even get to choose what neighborhood you’re from, scoring 100 points for your particular hood if you win. And to encourage participation, on January 28th the neighborhood who’s amassed the most points will get to enjoy an exclusive party with the band OK Go on February 5th.

[ The Examiner – Stranded Muni riders can now battle each other at bus stops ] VIA [ PSFK ]

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