Sasan Magic Carpet Doubles As Versatile Folding Furniture

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Sasan Magic Carpet (Images courtesy Alexander Munk)
By Andrew Liszewski

Referred to as the Swiss Army Knife of furniture, the Sasan ‘Magic Carpet’ starts out as what looks to be a particularly comfy padded square rug. But since the base is composed of 4 different sections, the carpet can be folded and contorted into various shapes and configurations of usable furniture, which are held in place by a contrasting set of red straps. Now I get the pseudo couch and bed with elevated footrest configurations, but what’s up with that adult crib setup? A bit of a stretch if you ask me.

The Sasan was created by the Alexander Munk Design Bureau, but since it dates back to 2006 and I can’t seem to find it available for sale anywhere online, I’m assuming it’s sadly just a one-off creation.

[ Sasan Magic Carpet ] VIA [ Freshome ]

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