Saver Emergency Breath System Can Let You Breathe Through Toxic Smoke

Evan Ackerman Avatar
Evan Ackerman Avatar


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80% of fire fatalities occur due to smoke inhalation. With every passing minute after the fire breaks out, your chances of survival go down by 10%, and after the first 5 minutes, your chances of making it out alive are 25%. The Saver Emergency Breath System is a sophisticated filter that you place over your mouth in the case of a fire, which gives you a precious few minutes during which to escape. It filters out carbon monoxide and toxic gases for up to 5 minutes. “Saver comes in a 2-person portable set or 4-person wall-mounted set, and also includes a flashlight and built-in alarm to help alert first responders to your location.” Prices start at $99 for 1, and $169 for 2.

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