See-Through Highlighters Are A Brilliant Idea

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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With midterms in full swing across many a university, we wish we’d heard about these see-through highlighters last year, when word first came out. Better late than never, we’d like you guys to take a look at the Uni Promark View Highlighters. They do what any suck instrument normally does, only better. The tip is made from clear acrylic, which means you can actually see the text you’re about to highlight, allowing you to stop just at the right spot.

Sure, it’s not a problem that any student ever complained about, but considering these don’t cost much more than regular highlighters, you can think of it as a convenience you never knew you’d like having. They’re made by Mitsubishi Pencil Corp. (who knew?) and it’s $15 for a pack of 5.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]

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