Sega Announces iPenguin, What Could Possibly Come Next

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways

By Evan Ackerman


A few years ago the Sega iDog came out, and apparently it was popular enough to spawn the iFish, and now, the iPenguin. These casually interesting speakers react to audio input, flashing their LEDs and waggling their various appendages. I am not at all sure why the penguin was chosen, but as for the next iAnimal, I hope it’s going to be the iAye-Aye. Why? Because maybe then people will finally realize that the whole “i” prefix does, in fact, sound silly… Even if it makes your dancing penguins fly off the shelves.

We’re not sure if the iPenguin will manage to migrate across the Pacific, but based on this article, we ought to be seeing them sometime soon, even if they are a little bit confused when they get here.

VIA [ Akihabara News ]

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