Sensus iPhone Case Adds Two Touch-Sensitive Surfaces

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Here’s a product we’d love to see succeed but for which we have little hope. It’s called the Sensus and is technically yet another case for the iPhone. However, it’s got a couple of features that could make it pretty awesome: its surface is touch sensitive. The idea is that it could add PS Vita-like controls to your phone. So you could play games and control them with your fingers resting on the back of the device rather than directly on the screen, which has always been a chief complaint amongst mobile gamers. Another use would be reading, and being able to turn pages without smudging your screen. There are two separate touch surfaces, one on the back and another along the edges, and it even contains a processor of its own that’s dedicated to processing the touch inputs. This could in theory free up processing power on the iPhone itself, so it could focus more on non touch-related tasks.

It all sounds pretty cool, so why are we a little hopeless? Well, mainly because the Sensus’ success will depend on developer support. It just won’t work if developers don’t code their applications with the Sensus’ functionality in mind. And while the company claims to have “excited developers” on board, that’s a claim that’s easy to make. Until we see who and how many, it’s dead in the water. Still, you should know it’ll be available for $59 in Q1 2013, but you can pre-order now for $39.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmag ]

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