Shark Fin Ice Tray (Image courtesy
By Andrew Liszewski

It’s been a while since we’ve seen a clever ice cube mold that truly brings something new and unique to your next party. And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing quite as refreshing as sipping a drink that’s been chilled by a LEGO minifig or Han Solo frozen in carbonite, but these shark fin ice cubes are pretty great. They’re engineered like an iceberg so that the fin part always stays upright in your glass, just visible above the beverage line, while the rest of the ice cube remains submerged. And for just over $8 from, how can you go wrong?

[ Shark Fin Ice Tray ] VIA [ Nerd Approved ]


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  2. It would be easy to get the cubes out of the tray. Like any other ice cube tray, a couple seconds resting in some hot water will loosen all the cubes so they just fall right out.

    I would be more worried about guests stabbing the roof of their mouth with the fin, or some other sharp fin-related accident.

    Still…this is awesome.

  3. Who in the hell puts one or two ice cubes up in they're drink, anyways?? And only 5 cubes/tray……I'd need like, 20 trays just to keep ice in the box! Fuckin Gay…

  4. These are extremely dangerous. Next time there's a real shark in your drink you'll think it's just an ice cube. The company that makes this ice tray will get sued left, right and centre when people start accidentally swallowing real sharks.

  5. These are extremely dangerous. Next time there's a real shark in your drink you'll think it's just an ice cube. The company that makes this ice tray will get sued left, right and centre when people start accidentally swallowing real sharks.

  6. My name is Harry S. Truman, and Iā€™m commenting from beyond the grave. I have come here today to beg of your forgiveness for commanding the Enola Gay to drop an atomic bomb over Japan. And speaking of gay, I really love to have thick rod slammed into my hot presidential love pit.

  7. hahaha thats wicked. I was thinking the same thing.
    Yunie:”Erm how does this table stand up on like 4 legs or whatever?”
    b: “You are fucking retarded, Yunie!”

  8. Hmmm the fact that they only included a picture instead of a real photo of them in action tells me that they're a much more impressive concept than a reality. I'm no expert but logic seems to say that the “fin” part would melt too quickly to really be a novelty…

  9. @ msisaac:
    your paragraph one:
    Thank God you figured it out for the rest of us, I was beginning to give up on mankind's intellect.
    your paragraph two:
    BUT are you nuts? Now I'm wondering about the intellect of human kind again. Why ever would a fin stab the roof of the mouth? How would it get there and why? And if it did, it's just ice, for crying out loud. Stop being so over protective and let us have our shark fin cubes and let us live!

  10. LMAO cjsavvy! That's a good one. I think they do have those, btw. Check out your local “toy store” for them or you can probably find them on a web site that sells “toys”.