Sharp Mebius Netbook Offers Second Display

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By Shane McGlaun

I have seen some strange notebooks and netbooks before, but adding a second screen to a 10-inch netbook is one of the strangest things I have seen. Sharp has introduced the new Mebius netbook for the Japanese market.

The machine has a second 4-inch LCD where the track pad would normally be. The small screen has a resolution of 854 x 480 and can show video and other content on its little screen. The screen also doubles as the track pad and can be used to input handwriting into the computer.

Other than the little screen the machine is standard netbook with an Intel Atom N270 CPU, 10.1-inch LCD with a 1024 x 600 resolution, 160GB HDD, and three USB ports. Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and Bluetooth are also built-in. The machine is only available in Japan at the moment for the equivalent of $815. I don’t really see it selling like hotcakes.

[ Via Laptop Mag ]

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