SickWeather Maps Out Where the Sick People Are So You Can Avoid Them

Andrew Liszewski Avatar
Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Getting sick sucks. Catching a bug during the holidays sucks even more. Sick people are around us all the time. Some might be mere carriers, while others might already be sick even though they aren’t exhibiting any symptoms just yet. If you want to minimize the odds of bumping into someone who has a cold or is down with the flu, then you might want to check out SickWeather before you leave the house.

SickWeather’s advanced logarithm analyzes posts and status updates by users on social media networks like Facebook and Twitter and checks for any mention of illness or sickness. It takes note of the places where these illnesses or sicknesses are mentioned and flags these locations down on the map. Alternatively, you can also search by specific illnesses on the map to see which sites are relatively safe (cough and cold zones) and which sites are places that you should definitely avoid (chicken pox-infested areas.)

Check out SickWeather here.

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

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