
By Chris Scott Barr

Oh crappy convergence products, I’ll never grow tired of seeing you. I mean what would the world be like without products that took two useful things and combined them into one bad device. See, in order for the idea to work, you have to have two things that you would logically use at roughly the same time. Even still, that doesn’t guarantee that you won’t end up with something really stupid. Sure, I might staple things at my desk, but I don’t need a mouse that’s also a stapler. Just like I might want something to drink when I’m sitting down, but I don’t want a cushion that holds liquid.

That’s right, the Sippin’ Seat not only keeps your butt nice and comfortable, but it provides you with a nice beverage. Seriously, who comes up with this crap? I’d just like a quick show of hands here, how many of you want to drink something that has been millimeters from your ass for several hours? That’s what I though. For the guy in the back that held up his hand, it’ll set you back around $30.

[ BaronBob ] VIA [ FoolishGadgets ]


  1. I think this might be something more for the sports spectator who wants to sneak in his own booze. He can just fill it with his beverage of choice and walk into the place with his 'seat cushion' and then get a cup of ice and bam, cold hard liqueur, or beer, or whatever.

  2. I think this might be something more for the sports spectator who wants to sneak in his own booze. He can just fill it with his beverage of choice and walk into the place with his 'seat cushion' and then get a cup of ice and bam, cold hard liqueur, or beer, or whatever.