Slenda Lamp

By Evan Ackerman

After about 10 minutes of study, I have finally determined where the lamp is in this lamp. In the above picture, the triangular base of the lamp is sitting on a table, while the actual bulb is the vertical piece, socketed directly into the angled stand (it’s this bulb, only 7mm in diameter). It’s a good thing this isn’t in production yet, because it would make you question why you paid $1800 bucks for a fatass Macbook Air.

Two more confusing views of this thing after the jump.

Slenda Lamp

[ think/thing Slenda ] VIA [ DVICE ]


  1. “…it would make you question why you paid $1800 bucks for a fatass Macbook Air.”

    Use of the dollar sign ($) and the word ‘dollars’ together is redundant.

    It’s also redundant.