Smart Keychain Is Your New Best Friend

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Smart Keychain

Smartphones, smart cars, smart watches, smart glasses…in case you haven’t noticed, everything is being upgraded to smart status these days. Another thing to add to that list is the Smart Keychain by Creative Designs, Inc. As the name implies, it’s a keychain that’s smarter than your average key ring.

It has built-in Bluetooth connectivity which makes key location possible. It’s also a USB flash drive so you can store stuff and transfer files on the go. It also means having a flash drive with you wherever and whenever, since you probably won’t leave the house without it.

The Smart Keychain also displays email notifications and calendar alerts so you can check your messages and events at a glance. It’s currently up for funding on Indiegogo, and you can get one for yourself by making a pledge of at least $59.

VIA [ Damn Geeky ]

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