Smart Undies Prevent Bedsores by Shocking Its Wearers’ Behinds

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Andrew Liszewski Avatar


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Smart Underwear

It’s kind of sad how sick people sometimes get sicker, just because they have to (or prefer to) stay in bed a lot. You know what I’m talking about: bedsores. While I don’t exactly know what it feels like to get one, I’ve heard that it’s painful, agitates the patient even more, and might even cause an infection.

Simply turning over once in a while might help prevent the onslaught of bedsores, but if you’re extremely sick and tired, chances are you won’t be moving around like you should. That’s where the smart underwear comes in. It’ll send tiny electric shocks periodically on the patients’ bottoms to make their bodies think that they’ve been moved around or re-positioned. Sounds like an interesting concept, doesn’t it? But the coolest thing is that it’s pretty effective, too, since results from a trial showed that none of the smart undie-wearing patients developed any sores.

Robyn Rogers, a research nurse at the University of Calgary, commented:

Pressure ulcers can be terribly debilitating.Their incidence has not changed since the 1940s, indicating that the current methods of prevention simply are not working. Our hope is that this innovative, clinically friendly system will eventually make a difference in the lives of millions of people.

Oh, the wonders of technology.

BBC ] VIA [ Dvice ]

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