Sniper Stand Takes The Lead In The Race For The Most Minimal iPhone Stand

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Sniper Stand (Image courtey Arthur Larsen)
By Andrew Liszewski

If you’re dead set against holding your iPhone, iPod Touch or really any video capable media player while watching movies, the Sniper Stand is one of the most minimal, though still somewhat versatile, stands I’ve seen. It’s really nothing more than a contoured plastic disc with criss-crossing grooves that adheres to the back of your device (hopefully using an easily removable adhesive) and props it up with the help of a credit card, a couple of business cards or even a well folded piece of paper. Since it stays stuck on the back of your device you’re never going to forget to bring it with you, and I’d say there’s a pretty good chance you’ll always have at least some type of card with you when you need to use it. It’s also just $9.95 and will be available in about 3 weeks when it goes into production.

[ Sniper Stand ] VIA [ Chip Chick ]

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