By Andrew Liszewski
The SoftLine combination washer & dryer from Thor conveniently combines the 2 machines into one space saving unit but also doesn’t need a dedicated vent to the outside in order to operate. This of course makes them ideal for smaller living spaces like an apartment. The company also claims the SoftLine is far easier on your clothes than a standard washer or dryer while still getting them about 25% cleaner.
You see most geeks hate to see their money spent on necessities like clothing when they could be buying more RAM or upgrading that 3-week old phone. And while trade shows are a handy way to deal with the t-shirt issue I’ve yet to see a booth giving away pants, socks or other garments with their company logo on it. So when a geek spends their hard earned money on a new pair of chinos they’re going to want those pants to last for a very long time. Of course from my experience it seems they tend to avoid the washing step all together but the SoftLine might give them a reason to actually do a load every once in a while.
The SoftLine is currently available on Thor’s website for $1,349.
[ Thor SoftLine Washer/Dryer Combo ] VIA [ Cribcandy ]