Solar Mole & Gopher Chaser

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Solar Mole & Gopher Chaser (Image courtesy Solutions)By Andrew Liszewski

Caddyshack would have been considerably less entertaining if Carl Spackler had access to this solar powered gopher and mole deterrent. Instead of using harmful chemicals or high powered explosives to rid your yard, garden or country club of the pesky varmints, the solar chaser emits a sonic tone every 30 seconds that will apparently drive them all away.

Even though it’s solar powered the device will keep working throughout the night and during overcast days thanks to a replaceable Ni-MH battery pack that’s recharged whenever sunlight is available. And a single solar chaser staked in the ground will cover an incredible 7,000 square foot area. So it’s got that goin’ for it… which is nice.

You can get it from Solutions for $29.95.

[ Solar Mole & Gopher Chaser ]

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