Solar Powered Battery Charger Gives Free Power Forever

Evan Ackerman Avatar
Evan Ackerman Avatar


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By Evan Ackerman

Rechargeable batteries are the bee’s knees. The only downside to them is that you have to, like, charge them and that requires, like, an outlet. The Powerfilm solar battery charger is designed to charge 2 or 4 AA batteries in 4 or 8 hours. The entire thing weighs less than carrying 4 replacement batteries, and with judicious use, I bet you could keep your camera + GPS + MP3 player all humming along indefinitely while you hike the Himalayas. It’s functional, rugged, and compact, and somewhat unsurprisingly, seems to have been designed for the military. Considering that, the price probably won’t surprise you either… The Powerfilm solar battery charger will cost you about $130.

[ Select Solar ] VIA [ 7Gadgets ]

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