Sole Power: Charge your Phone by Walking!

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Tyler Lacoma Avatar


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Everyone’s heard of green energy sources – solar power, water power and the like; but have you heard of footstep power? This new gadget is the brainchild of a 15-year old boy from the Philippines – Angelo Casimiro. Unveiled at the Google Science Fair 2014, this piezoelectric device uses the pressure generated in the sole of the shoe while walking, to charge your electronic device. A clever idea, no doubt, but quite similar to inventor Rajesh Adhikari’s idea of a ‘shoe charger’ revealed a few months ago. Unfortunately, you can only get about 10 minutes of battery power after a two-hour game of basketball, but it’s definitely a promising technology for the future. Getting the gadget into production might be quite a challenge, so you may not be able to buy one just yet – but at least you’ll know you saw it first on OhGizmo!



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