Something Green

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Evan Ackerman Avatar


Key Takeaways

By Evan Ackerman

Green Light

My urban life these days consists almost entirely of plastic, metal, or plastic that’s been painted to look like metal. There’s a distinct lack of anything green and living, unless you want to count that stuff that’s taking over the tiles behind the sink. In recognition of this ecological deficiency, the DreamingreeN project (that’s “dream in green,” not “dreaming reen”) presents us with the Green Light, which is a plant growing around an energy efficient light bulb.

Several different plants are going to be available in addition to the current hedera (plant-speak for ivy), including grape and tomato vines. You can dim or brighten the light by, er, “adjusting” the thickness of the plant via a hedge trimmer or some Miracle-Gro. No, seriously, that’s what the designers suggest you do.

The Green Light is available preassembled for 50 euros, in a kit for 25 euros, and as downloadable instructions for only 2 euros.

[Green Light] VIA [Core77]

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