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Sony Announces Their New ICZ-R50… Radio Recorder?

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

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Sony ICZ-R50 (Image courtesy CrunchGear)
By Andrew Liszewski

Sometimes it’s hard to understand what a large corporation like Sony is thinking when they release certain products, but at the same time I guess I’m not completely up to speed on what’s popular in the markets they serve outside North America. So while radio has lost some of its popularity to MP3 players and podcasts here, I’m assuming it’s still popular enough in Japan to not only warrant a fancy new unit, but one with PRR (personal radio recorder?) functionality.

Available in Japan on February 21 for ~$217 (¥18,000) the ICZ-R50 is at its core an AM/FM radio with advanced tuning functions like the ability to easily specify one of 54 locations in Japan to automatically load up a list of local presets. But instead of just listening the to the radio, its also got 4GB of built-in memory (expandable via SD cards or Memory Stick Duos) for recording your favorite shows. And while not as robust as the PVR in your living room, it does let you setup 20 pre-scheduled recordings for catching your favorite shock jock every morning, or whatever it is people listen to on the radio these days.

[ Sony ICZ-R50 ] VIA [ CrunchGear ]

Andrew Liszewski Avatar

3 responses to “Post Title”

  1. NeoTechni Avatar

    oh hell this has been a long time coming
    ive wanted something like this for years but not at that cost
    using the line in jack on a pc you can do it for less than 5 bucks

    wow all the reactions below are worthless
    please stop including them

  2. Elton Sites Avatar

    If this can run on ordinary batteries, it will be very useful for people who are frequented with typhoons. They need radios that runs on batteries when electric power is out.

  3. Franco1975 Avatar

    I have 3 MP3 player but I still listen to the radio alot. I hardly watch tv tho