Sony Qlasp Earbuds Hang On For Dear Life

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Sony Qlasp Earbuds (Image courtesy Sony)
By Andrew Liszewski

While it’s no excuse for poor spelling, Sony’s new Qlasp headphones look to have solved the problem of your earbuds falling out during extremely physical activities. A clever clip or ‘qlasp’ attaches to your earlobes while worn, essentially allowing the earbuds to hang on while you’re backflipping, cube-gleaming or double McTwist 1260-ing. The 9mm driver has a frequency response of 6 – 23,000 Hz, though with a price tag of just $24.99 they’re probably not the most amazing sounding earbuds on the market. But you do get to choose from 5 rad color schemes.

[ Sony Qlasp Earbuds ] VIA [ The Gadgeteer ]

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