Sony Updates Their MP3 Walkmans

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Sony Walkman NWZ-B160 (Images courtesy Sony)
By Andrew Liszewski

Good news for all of you iPod haters. The Zune may have gone the way of the Dodo but Sony is continuing strong with updates to their Walkman line of MP3 players. The smallest members of that family, the NWZ-B160 series, features a USB stick type design meaning you never have to worry about losing a proprietary docking cable. You just uncap the player and jam it into an available USB port for syncing and charging.

On a full charge with with all of the battery saving features switched on (and the backlit LCD display turned off) you can expect to get up to 18 hours of playback, but if you’re pressed for time a mere 3 minute charge will provide you with 90 minutes of music enjoyment. A Bass button adds an extra bit of kick to your music by boosting the low-end, while also causing the light-up power indicator to pulse and flash in time with your music. And in true Sony fashion, the NWZ-B160 series even has a ‘scan’ mode which skips through your music playing tiny snippets until you find something you like. But since it’s a Sony ‘feature’ they refer to it as their ‘ZAPPIN song search technology’. What an innovation! Available in June in 2GB and 4GB capacities.

[ PR – Feel the bass with colourful new Walkman B Series ] VIA [ Akihabara News ]

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