Soon You Won’t Be Able To Rest Your Head On A Train Window, Lest They Pipe Some Ads Into Your Skull

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If you live in Germany and are fond of travelling by train, you might want to reconsider resting your head on a window… unless you enjoy listening to commercials, that is. A collaboration between SkyGo and BBDO Dusseldorf (a mobile streaming service and an advertising agency), the new campaign involves using a special transmitter that vibrates the window at just the right frequencies so that sound is transmitted through your cranial bones, directly into your ears. No one on the train, except those resting their heads on the window (in the hopes of some rest, no doubt…) will hear them.

BBDO and Sky Go plan to roll out the talking windows all over Germany. They are intended to transmit music and weather, as well as ads, BBDO rep Susanne Keyzers told The Huffington Post. She went on to say that the talking windows had a test run in Munich and North Rhine-Westphalia. “Passengers got surprised and enjoyed this new form of advertising,” she wrote in an email.

We’re not entirely sure that joyful sentiment will be shared by all, but we’re glad it’s happening in the old continent… for now at least.

VIA [ The Huffington Post ]

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