There is a right and a wrong way to eat certain foods. Ramen noodles are meant to be picked up with chopsticks and slurped. That, fun as it is, doesn’t sit well with many wet-chin-averse Westerners, so Julian Lechner has created Soup Straws. These are hollow chopsticks with a series of holes at the tip to channel that tasty broth all the way up to your mouth, without making a messy detour through your beard. It’s a simple enough idea, but is sadly one that hasn’t been turned into a commercially available product just yet. We’re not sure what’s holding Justin back from Kickstarting this, but with a bit of effort, should be simple enough to do. Or, well, now that the idea is out in the wild and no patent on the design presumably exists, maybe someone else can get on it?
[ Product Page ] VIA [ Gizmodo ]