By David Ponce

We’re geeks, and proud to be. This means a lot of things, most of which would take too long to write about in this short article. It also means that we have many things in common with other geeks worldwide. Like an appreciation for bacon. Or classic games, like Space Invaders. Matter of fact, that late 70’s icon should be shortlisted to become an official geek emblem. And whenever we see products like the above Space Invaders LED light, our heart skips a beat. It’s hand-made, out of iron, by a guy in Italy. Dimensions are as follows: Width 20cm (8 inches) X Height 120cm (47 inches) X Depth 5cm (2 inches).

We think it looks great, but sadly you’ll have to both pay and wait to get it. There’s a 2 week lead time, a cost of $200 and a shipping charge of $150. You could probably make your own out of glued-together Britelite sets, so we can’t altogether recommend a purchase.

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