Speck’s New HandyShell iPad 2 Case – Hooray For Handles!

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Speck's HandyShell iPad 2 Case (Images courtesy Speck)
By Andrew Liszewski

For whatever reason, these days you really only see handles built into electronics designed for kids and toddlers. I understand that their tiny hands can use a bit of extra help when it comes to holding onto things, but handles can be just as useful for adults too! I might like the fact that my P&S camera can slip in a pocket, but at the same time I would not fault Nikon for slapping a big old handle on the side of my DSLR either. So good on Speck for coming up with their HandyShell case for the iPad 2.

Like most semi-functional cases the HandyShell does more than just protect the iPad 2 with a thermoplastic polyurethane and polycarbonate housing. It also features a unique pop-out handle on the back that can be swiveled around for propping up the tablet in different orientations. And for a variety of other applications including hanging it in the kitchen so it can bang against pots and pans, or as a faux neck for playing your iPad as a small guitar. I also like the raised curved ridge on the back which provides something else to grip onto when holding the iPad in your hand. As simple cases go its design has a lot of potential functionality, though $54.95 it’s a little on the pricey side.

[ Speck HandyShell iPad 2 Case ] VIA [ Fancy ]

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