Spot It: There’s A Cellphone On This Rug

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Christen da Costa Avatar


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Let’s play a game of Where’s Waldo, only now we’re looking for something else. On the picture above there is a table, a rug and a cellphone. Only you’re not going to find the cellphone. At least we don’t think you will, not without a hint. If you do, you got some skills, hermano. It’s a picture taken by Facebooker Jeya May Cruz and has gone completely viral, even appearing on mainstream TV shows, like the Today Show. She claims she just dropped her phone and couldn’t find it… but then how did she take this picture? It’s not like anyone has standalone cameras anymore. We say she planted it there, knowing full well the firestorm she would ignite. Well played, Jeya, well played. Ok so… where is it?

SPOILER ALERT. Don’t keep reading if you want to find it on your own.

Look just to the right of the right table leg. See it? It’s face down with a flower pattern case. No, really, it’s there.

Ok, we’re done here. Carry on.

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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