Spring Powered Stainless Steel Toy Car Is Not Kid Finger-Friendly

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Toy Car (Images courtesy Wouter Scheublin)
By Andrew Liszewski

There’s no question this beautiful toy car from Wouter Scheublin is not designed as a kid’s toy. Besides the fact that it’s made from stainless steel making it a deadly projectile in the wake of a temper tantrum, the gears and spring mechanism which facilitate its pull back and go functionality are all completely exposed, ready to pinch tiny fingers. But as a collectible and fun desk toy for adults, it’s pretty tempting. It even comes with a mini walnut garage for storage, and since it’s exclusively available from Priveekollektie in a limited run of just 20 pieces, you can safely assume it costs a bit more than your standard Hot Wheels car.

[ Wouter Scheublin – Toy Car ]

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