Steam For Mac Arrives, Along With Free Portal For Everyone

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Chris Scott Barr Avatar


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By Chris Scott Barr

It’s been said for many years that Macs aren’t a viable gaming platform. As a gamer that owns both PC’s and Macs, I can generally agree with that statement. This week, however, Valve shook up the Apple gaming community by finally releasing Steam for Mac. At the time of launch, there were 64 titles available.

Valve took things a step further by deciding to make Portal, their popular puzzler, free until May 24th. This goes for both Mac and PC gamers. If you’ve never tried Portal, I’d certainly give it a shot. There’s really no other game out there that has quite the same spirit of this game. Between the mind-challenging puzzles and the dry humor of the robotic antagonist, there’s a lot to enjoy. What are you waiting for? Download it already!

[ Valve ]

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