‘You Suck At Parking’ Business Cards

Christen da Costa Avatar
Christen da Costa Avatar


Key Takeaways


We’ve all seen ‘that guy’ with the Hummer, parking between spots like he owns the place. It’s infuriating, not the least of which because ‘that guy’ is usually not around for you to glare at and at least have a shot at letting him know just how pissed off you are. But if you’d been carrying these cool business cards, it would have taken you all of 5 seconds to send a clear message, just by slipping one under his wipers. You’d then be free to go inside your store and smugly shop, with the comforting knowledge that in a few minutes someone is going to get insulted, and you won’t even have to confront face to face.

It’s $5 for a 10 pack.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ ThisIsWhyImBroke ]

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